Meredith East Powell Brisbane Nutrition, Yoga and Mentoring

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Mindfulness and endometriosis

Mindfulness seems to be a phrase mentioned a lot these days and it's no wonder, because it can offer real benefits to our health. There are now studies that show the various health benefits of practising mindfulness meditation, including for people who are experiencing chronic pain, which is definitely a positive for those of us tackling endometriosis.What is mindfulness exactly? It stems from the practise of meditation but has been given a modern name. It simply means being more present, being aware of what's happening right now. Mindfulness meditation has been shown in studies to improve chronic pain; it's been shown to create a sense of well being, which comes from the acceptance of pain and a reduction in anxiety; changing our relationship to pain, acknowledging it and relating to it differently, encourages more consciousness to the condition.Pain is extremely complex, everyone has a different perception and experience with it. Those with chronic pain conditions like endometriosis may become highly sensitised to pain stimuli for various reasons. As everyone's perception of pain is different, so will be their experience of mindfulness; there's no one-size-fits-all with mindfulness meditation. There's many different types of meditation out there, so it's worth trying some different styles to see what works for you.Here's a simple mindfulness meditation to get you started:

  1. Set aside 20 minutes of uninterrupted time every day (if you only have 10 minutes, that's ok too, you can always build up over time).

  2. Sit upright in a chair or on the floor in a comfortable position you can maintain.

  3. Close your eyes and simply observe; it may be your thoughts, your emotions, your breath, how your body feels, or sounds you can hear.

  4. Let go of judgement; if you notice you start judging, that's ok, just observe and allow the judgements to pass.

  5. If you become entangled in mind chatter or a story, just observe what just happened without judgement and keep going with the practise.

It's simple in theory, but it can be difficult in practise, the good news is with time it becomes easier and when we start to experience the benefits it makes it so worthwhile.Health and healing,Meredith x