Meredith East Powell Brisbane Nutrition, Yoga and Mentoring

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Health with self-compassion

We all know that if we have regular feelings of gratitude, compassion and kindness towards ourselves, we're going to generally feel better than if we allow our inner-critic to dominate our thoughts and feelings. According to Harvard practising self-compassion can improve your overall health and reduce levels of anxiety and depression. About six months ago I learnt a technique from a psychologist that I now practise daily, it's similar to practising gratitude but it's more specific and I'd like to share it because it's simple and proven to relieve anxiety and depression.

The practise: everyday find three positive things to say about yourself which can be said aloud, in your head, or written down.

These things can be like "earlier today I offered to make my partner a cup of tea, that was a thoughtful and kind act" or "today I went to yoga and I'm happy I took some time to look after myself", or "I listened to my friend when she was going through a difficult time, I am a kind and supportive person". Even though some days it may seem insignificant or you can't think of anything interesting to say, don't underestimate the effects this practise can have, it takes time and like anything if you practise daily it becomes a habit, except this is a healthy habit to maintain which cultivates self-compassion and self-esteem.