Raspberry almond milkshake


Love the taste of raspberries but don't like the seeds? Using a raspberry coulis you get maximum raspberry flavour without the seeds. Refined sugar free, this healthy milkshake is great in the morning or as a 3pm sugar craving killer.The banana and raspberries add enough sweetness to this drink so it doesn't need an added sweetner. Sugar is best avoided on the endometriosis diet so if you need a hit, best to stick with fruit or natural organic stevia, I find honey is too loaded with fructose for me and upsets my stomach so I avoid it, however play around and see what works for you.Raspberries are extremely nutritious; they are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. This recipe also calls for banana which is also high in vitamin C and antioxidants but also contains potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6 and is also high in fibre.You'll need:1 cup of frozen raspberries (I always use organic berries to avoid pesticides)1 small banana, roughly chopped350 ml almond milk (a little over 1 cup)Method:Place raspberries and 1 tablespoon of water in a small saucepan and over a medium heat, stir until the raspberries break down, this should take a few minutes. Once broken down it should resemble a thick mushy liquid, then pour into a sieve and push through with a spoon into a bowl.In a blender add the chopped banana, almond milk and the bowl of strained raspberry liquid. Blast on high for 1 minute or until smooth.Drink and enjoy!


Spiced warm smoothie